1. There's a man who used to be a speedy jockey when he was young. _ _(<`O , ==-( >`-/ \ ,< \ / > ---'--- `---'-MK/ejm 2. Now he's an elderly man and not very speedy any more. .----. | | MOOK! MOOK! | __ |/ . |[ 8]| ) `(.(o==o).) " " _ O'>) / f< \ // / / | | \ \\ / \ ejm/a:f 3. Fortunately he knows a very nice eldery lady who visits him in the hospital. From llizard : 'Poor fellow didn't see what was coming and even (ejm) though that MOOK! MOOK! was so loud, he didn't hear because he was on his way to getting new batteries for his hearing aid. and now he has to lie immobilized with his leg in one of those slings and his mouth in a silent constant scream of agony.' ? ! /_\ |C_,_/_____| ejm98 | ||:::::f| O+ _/\ f /| | \~\ 4. And the friendly old lady even wants to help him getting some fresh air ... PUB | Rats! _ | Steps. .' `. | +o ' | | | /\_ .o |- | | |\ `(< __; | | | .- /~/ (*)L r===r|.__|.-' ejm/a:f
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ASCII Character Codes:
a = ASCII 97
c = ASCII 99
c = ASCII 99
i = ASCII 105
d = ASCII 100
e = ASCII 101
n = ASCII 110
t = ASCII 116
A = ASCII 65
C = ASCII 67
C = ASCII 67
I = ASCII 73
D = ASCII 68
E = ASCII 69
N = ASCII 78
T = ASCII 84